Monday, January 17, 2011

sleepless upstairs

ok all you experienced parents out there...this is our dilemma:  since i had a c-section, i had to sleep downstairs for the first week.  when we took everett upstairs to go to bed for the first time, he came unglued.  now it has been approximately three weeks and every night we "try" to bring him up he will scream until we bring him back downstairs.  Actually, he will fall asleep immediately when he is on the landing on the stairs as weird as this may sound.  Needless to say, my bedroom has been the living room.  It seems like we have tried everything and we are hopeful to say the least that eventually he will just like it upstairs. 

So I am recruiting you to provide any and all ideas outside of what I list below that we have already tried!  Matt's idea is to let him just sleep on the landing, or have an exorcism done in the house, those are the only two we have not entertained yet!!!  (oh, knowing our family, matt also said i bet someone says, "pray to angels" which i have tried and that didn't work!!!!...haha)

We have tried:
Ipod music, jazz, simon and garfunkel, csn, dave matthews, nora jones
Baby soothers: two different kinds, with nature sounds and "in the womb sounds"
Two different bassinets, feedings/changings at different times, sleeping with the light on, night lights, tv on, naps during the day upstairs to get used to sounds, temp, etc.  i am sure we have done more, but that is what is coming to mind! HELP please!!!


  1. I wish I had some fabulous advise...Sadly, I am stumped! If I hear of anything, I will let you know! :)

  2. Thanks Kriea! It is insane! When he does "sleep" upstairs the brief time that he sleeps is usually full of grunting and moving around and he never quite settles down until we go downstairs!
